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Momi shells are known as the diamonds of Hawai'i.  Featured on our Momi print is the pikake style Momi shell lei.  The pikake is a small white fragrant flower that grows here in Hawai'i. 

In more ancient times these leis were worn by Ali'i and Kahuna, indicating the wearers position in a complex social hierarchy. 

Today these lei can be purchased from Kanaka Maoli shell lei makers and are worn with great pride.

 To support these traditional lei makers visit Merrie Monarch craft fairs and other Hawai'i artisan events.

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Vintage Aloha Print features two different Hawaiian Quilt patterns, the ti leaf and the protea flower.  This print is hand painted and stamped using a Balinese printing method called Batik.

This unique Hawaiian textile was born in the 1800's when the missionaries brought quilting to Hawaii.  Hawaiians made their own unique artistic style incorporating Hawaiian culture and designs used in kapa and nature. 

Hawaiian quilting is a pastime with great significance to Hawaiian culture and not just for artistic purposes.  When the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy happened in 1893 and the illegal occupation of America took place it brought about a new era in quilt making. This was a time when expressing symbols of the monarchy was considered treason and quilts were used to empower the Hawaiian people and as a silent resistance against the illegal occupation of the U.S.  These designs included Crowns, the Hawaiian code of arms, flags, and symbols of chiefs and nobles. 

Today quilting is still a prominent part of Hawaiian and local culture.  Quilts are often given as gifts for a new baby or wedding and will be passed down as a heirloom for generations to come.


                                            Adorn yourself in Vintage Aloha


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Ki'ele is the hawaiian word for gardenia. The ki'ele flower is one of three flowers that make up this signature print. Other flowers include white ginger and tuberose. These flowers are known for there heavenly fragrance. Ki'ele print was inspired by the fragrant trade winds bringing sweet smells of gardenia, white ginger and tuberose. 

Adorn yourself in Ki'ele.

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Triangle print featured in the Tapa Collection is a blend of tapa that makes up the triangle of Polynesia. Featuring Hawaiian, Tongan, Samoan and Fijian motifs.  Many of these motifs can be found from Tahiti to Rapa Nui. Tapa is the first form of print in Polynesian and is traditionally made by women in most cultures. Tapa or Kapa holds great significance to each culture and has been inspired by the elements around the culture and each culturesgenealogy. 


Adorn your self in Tapa 

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Legend says that Hawaiian goddess Pele fell in love with a handsome warrior named Ohia, she asked him to marry her but Ohia had already pledged his love to Lehua. Pele was furious when Ohia turned down her proposal, so she turned Ohia into a twisted tree.

Lehua was heartbroken,of course. The gods took pity on Lehua and decided it was injustice to leave the lovers separated.  They thus turned Lehua into a flower on the Ohia tree so that the two lovers would be forever joined together .

Adorn yourself in Ohia Lehua.


Native to Hawai'i, Lehua blossoms play a major role in Hawaiian culture.  

Unfortunately this sacred tree has succumb to ROD ( rapid ohia death) it needs your help! To donate and learn more please visit https://cms.ctahr.hawaii.edu/rod/HOW-TO-HELP

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Exotic brightly colored flowers grown in an abundance on the Big Island of Hawaii, Anthuriums are long lasting and irresistibly beautiful like the hospitality they represent.

 Adorn yourself in Anthurium.

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Koki'o ke'oke'o  (white hibiscus) is a native Hawaiian flower endemic to the forests and wetlands of Molokai and Oahu.

Once gracing the land in abundance it is now feared that this plant and flower is doomed to early extinction, as in many places where it was plentiful a few years ago, not a single plant is now to be seen partly do to the ravage of cattle, goats, and to the changing flora of the islands. 

 Often mentioned in ancient Hawaiian chants and legends this soft, feminine flower with white delicate petals and a pink showy stamen that will dramatically glow when the evening sun falls upon it is truly a treasure to be protected. 


                            Adorn yourself in Koki'o ke'oke'o. 

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Pua Kala, a native Hawaiian poppy flower known for its prickly stem and delicate soft white petals.

Pua Kala can grow at sea level but also enjoys high elevation between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawai'i.

Pua Kala has great medicinal value and can be used under the guidance of a la's lapa'au practitioner. 

Support the fragile eco system of Hawai'i and plant native. Pua Kala is beautiful, easy to grow and produces lots of seeds, making it known as the flower that keeps giving.


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As the sun moves across the sky hau flowers turn from bright yellow to orange then to reddish brown, before the flower falls off the plant, usually by the next morning. Known in Tahiti as the grandchild of heaven and earth this flower and tree is valued all over Polynesia for its cultural and medicinal purposes.

Adorn yourself in Hau.  

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